Our News

Explore the Lison Paris blog for style tips, sunny destinations and inspiring stories, and stay on top of beach fashion .

HistoireOlivia Baum, cofondatrice de Lison Paris, invitée de BFM Business pour parler entrepreneuriat et luxe responsable

Olivia Baum, co-founder of Lison Paris, guest on BFM Business to talk entrepreneurship and responsible luxury

On Monday 3 March, Olivia Baum, co-founder of Lison Paris, was a guest on the BFM Business programme ‘Avec Vous’.

HistoireVoyage Laponie

Christmas in Lapland: An unforgettable trip to Father Christmas country

There are decisions we make on the spur of the moment that end up becoming unforgettable memories. This year, instead of staying at home for a traditional Christmas - we're heading to Lapland.

HistoireL’histoire du maillot de bain : de la modestie à la tendance éco-responsable

The history of swimwear: from modesty to the eco-responsible trend

Embark on the history of swimwear with Lison Paris and treat your children to the very best in beachwear.